
Gerber grows attributes

Article by Karel Tavernier, published in Printed Circuit Design & Fab

The latest extension to the age-old format describes layer structures, features and functions.

Output and read by every PCB design and engineering system in the world, the Gerber format is the de facto standard for one of the industry’s most delicate, critically important processes: CAD-to-CAM data transfer. Simple yet powerful, Gerber is an image description language that permits complex designs to be described completely and accurately in an unequivocal one-file/one-layer format. The format uses a structure that can be read by machines and humans.

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Homage to the Gerber Format

Article by Karel Tavernier, published on the EETimes designlines blog.

As caretaker of the venerable Gerber format, we at Ucamco I feel bound to react to the insightful blog An Embarrassment to the Electronics Community by Vince Mazur and especially the comment it generated.

I will restrict myself to the context of PCB fabrication, in which I have some experience.

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Ucamco Releases v2.1 of the Reference Gerber Viewer

Ucamco, caretaker of the Gerber Format, released version 2.1 of its online Reference Gerber Viewer.  New features are : Support for drill files in NC or Excellon format and support for Gerber X2 attributes

The URL of the Reference Gerber Viewer is

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