Autodesk Eagle v8.6 supports Gerber X2
Here is a quote from the release announcement:
We’re excited to announce support for the latest evolution in Gerber format standards, Gerber X2, in the new CAM Processor. Gerber X2 is becoming the standard in nearly every manufacturing house. If you aren’t using this file format, then it’s time to talk with your manufacturer. The benefits abound. Just to name a few:
- Gerber X2 includes layer stack definition information built-in. Now you don’t have to draw up yet another legend describing your intended layer stackup or layer functions for your manufacturer.
- Gerber X2 includes Drill files. Now you don’t have to keep track of separate Gerber and Excellon files; they’re all included together.
- Gerber X2 includes new attributes. Now that circle pad on your layout isn’t just a pad; it’s a pad in a BGA Land pattern. This provides a whole new dimension of design intent to your manufacturer.
The full release announcement can be found using this link
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