Gerber nested step & repeat – final call for comments
Ucamco proposes extending the Gerber format to make it more efficient in handling fabrication and assembly panels. In August 2015 Ucamco published a draft specification at, for review and comment by the Gerber community before the spec is cast in concrete. We received thoughtful feedback on the draft specification from the user community which we incorporated in successive revisions of the draft. We stand now at revision 8. It is significantly extended compared to the original. Viewers of the earlier drafts may want to have a look at revisions 8.
Ucamco feels revision 8 is ready for incorporation in the spec. However, it will be kept in draft form for 2-3 more months. If Gerber is important to you please be pro-active review the draft carefully, and see how this would work for you. By doing this you will help yourself and the whole Gerber user community. Once the draft is incorporated in the specification, it is too late - one can only uselessly complain.
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